Chemistry Infrastructure and Facilities

Infrastructure and Facilities

Sr. No. Particulars Details
1. No. of Classrooms 04
2. Study Room in the Central Library 01
3. Departmental Library 01
4. Computer Lab 01
5. Laboratory 01

Lab Details

Sr.No Name of Laboratory Details
1 Lab Area 578 sq/ft
2 Lab In-charge Mr. N. S. Konvilkar
3 Lab Technician
4 Lab Investment
5 List of major equipments Potentiometer
6 Practical’s Conducted in Laboratory Chemical Kinetics : To determine the order between K2S2O8 & KI by fractional change method.
Viscosity : To determine the molecular weight of high polymer polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) by viscosity measurement.
Inorganic preparations :
1. Tris(en)2 Ni(II)S2O3
2. Tetra‐amminecopper (II)Sulphate