Department of Economics

Department of Economics

  • Started
  • Intake
Mr. D. B. Gurkhe

Mr. D. B. Gurkhe

Head of Department

Economics is a social Science that studies how People and nations buy, Sell, produce, and consumeIn a world where there is Scarcity.

Economics deals with Description, analysis, Explanation, and prediction Of economic activity.

Vision :

To achieve excellence in the field of Economics through an in-depth and analytical approach in training economists with an ever-evolving global perspective and create socially sensitive leaders.

Mission :

To maintain a tradition of excellence and nurture talented young minds and encourage them to achieve great heights of excellence.

Future Plan

  • Introducing the technical papers. For example: - Mathematical Economics and Econometrics.
  • Introducing Certificates Courses. For example:- for P.G. Diploma in Banking, Foreign trade.
  • Increasing the number of students every year for Department of Economics.
  • To start short term courses of Stock market investment management and Financial market
  • To start P.G.(Master of Arts)

Departmental Objective:

The programs offered by the Department of Economics are designed to -

  • provide a general understanding of the functioning of the economic system and the role of institutions, groups, and regions within that system.
  • prepare the student for employment in industry, the professions, and government, or to pursue ..
  • Students will use economic models in domestic and global contexts to analyze individual decision making, how prices and quantities are determined in product and factor markets, and macroeconomic outcomes.
  • Students will analyze the performance and functioning of government, markets and institutions in the context of social and economic problems.
  • Students will think critically about economic models, evaluating their assumptions and implications.
  • Students will use data to describe the relationships among variables in order to analyze economic issues.
  • Students will communicate economic thought and analysis in both written and oral contexts to varied audiences.

Programs-Courses Offered

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Programs-Courses Offered DOWNLOAD

List of Class Incharge

Sr. No. Name of Class Incharge Class
1 Asst. Prof. Kazi S.S. F.Y.B.A
2 Prof. Dr. Shinde V.R. S.Y.B.A
3 Asst. Prof. Desai R.R. T.Y.B.A

Strength of Department

Sr.No. Academic Year B.A. Part-I B.A. Part-II B.A. Part-III Total
1 2012-13 22 - - 22
2 2013-14 28 24 - 52
3 2014-15 48 26 19 93
4 2015-16 33 43 19 95
5 2016-17 40 30 25 95
6 2017-18 29 25 16 70
7 2018-19 38 20 18 76
8 2019-20 25 29 4 58
9 2020-21 33 20 2 55
10 2021-22 27 29 16 72
11 2022-23 25 25 13 69
12 2023-24 29 17 8 44

Student Profile ( Gender Wise)

Year Boys Girls Total
2012-2013 15 7 22
2013-2014 35 17 52
2014-2015 57 36 93
2015-2016 58 37 95
2016-2017 57 38 95
2017-2018 37 33 70
2018-2019 46 30 76
2019-2020 40 18 58
2020-2021 43 12 55
2021-2022 51 21 72
2022-2023 50 13 63
2023-2024 35 19 54