Department of Political Science

Department of Political Science

  • Started
  • Intake
Assi.Prof T. M. Godade

Assi. Prof. T. M. Godade

Head of Department

The Department of Political Science was established in 2014-15. Since its inception, the department has made remarkable progress in teaching, research and extension work. In this, many teachers and department heads have worked to make the political science department more capable and developed in their own way. More and more knowledge has been imparted to the students of the department through various programs, national and international seminars, and workshops.

The department has consistently striven to provide quality teaching to students who are drawn to the college from Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg district.

In terms of resources and infra-structure too, the department has a lot of the latest audio-visual equipment at its disposal including a Computer.

The department has a good collection of high-quality books in the departmental library- some purchased and others donated by alumni as well as other well-wishers. It also has a fair number of quality CDs and DVDs related to literature that enables us to arrange screenings for students from time to time.

The college has also set up a Language Laboratory facility to be used by all language departments.

Our department has started a short-term course for the students. Our department has started remedial teaching as well as Slow and advanced learning program for T.Y.B.A. students.

The Political Science Literary association provides a forum to the students for extra and co- curricular activities such as Poetry readings, elocution, dramatics, debates and essay writing.

Programs-Courses Offered

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Programs-Courses Offered DOWNLOAD


Class Years
2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023
FYBA 34 24 33 27 25
SYBA 20 27 20 29 25
TYBA 10 17 27 09 21

Student Strength

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Student Strength Data DOWNLOAD

Salient Features Of Department

  • To undertake teaching, research and extension programs in major branches of Political Science.
  • To impart training to the students in order to equip them in academic and professional capability & develop among them analytical perspective.
  • To encourage research in the socio-political issues and contribute to the discipline of Political Science.
  • To Undertake extension activities in order to create free, just and humane society.